  8-ID Beamline logbook mirror  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 18     Entry time: Wed Feb 15 13:17:54 2006
Author: Alec 
Type: 8-ID-E 
Category: Procedures 
Subject: Legacy Zone plate set-up information from old web site 
Legacy Zone plate set-up information from old web site:

Initial description of setting up zone plate spectrometer.

0) check current configuration on ruby, and maybe count rates.
Run "lpstuff nwa" and put in log book.

1) run winzpspec on user1@quartz and start spec on various machines
(lapis, ruby, emerald (talc?)).

1.1) start spec on emerald.

1.2) start spec on lapis (freshstart (-f) ???)

1.3) start spec fresh on ruby. (spec -f)

1.4) run startup (name datafile: spec/data/rubymondd.yy).
Make sure dac2 motor is at 5.000 and check att value.
Check s1, jj, s2, s4 slits are open enough.

2) move table:

2.1) Connect up X95 flight path.
Add or remove appropriate extension and put large Kapton window
on X95 take a burn. Adjust X95 position till beam will exit in
proper place to use X95 to KF16 adapter. Put on this adapter and
add the pind support and using small KF16 junction temporarly add
Kapton window to end.

2.2) Using airpads move te2 table until in correct place
to add KF16 bellows to couple flight paths. Usually, lining up table
by eye is enough.
(make sure table is parallel to the beam, this can be done by taking
marks on the floor at the upstream and downstream corner of table)

2.3) Using burn paper make x-rays go down center of incident KF16
on ZP setup. If done right will get x-rays all the way through
setup. May need to take off Be exit window and use OSA or te2 motions
to center output on exit window. This is a good time to check is
correct place for beam on x-ray eye.

2.4) Hook up bellows and add exit window and pump flight path.

3) put on Huber pin and check centering.

4) line up Huber pin on x-ray beam.

5) line up tth arm with beam. (define as zero)

NOTE: check out the whatswrong file at user1@quartz if problems arise.
ELOG V3.1.4-395e101