  8-ID Beamline logbook mirror  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 22     Entry time: Wed Feb 15 15:39:16 2006
Author: Alec 
Type: Other 
Category: Setups 
Subject: Legacy TRXS lineup document 
Beginnings of a startup procedures for peridot and mica.

1) login as user1 to topaz

2) run winspec or winspecperidot to open windows on needed machines
(Use these shell scripts since they work without having to
keep extra windows around on topaz.)

3) start specs, the first time should use "spec -f" or "fourc -f"
to perfrom fresh starts.

(use fourc on peridot and mica and spec on emerald and talc)

3.1) define data file and plot stuff (i.e. run startup)

3.2) Check current spectrometer conditions. It is a good idea to print
all motor positions at the beginning and end of every run and
paste them in the log books.

3.2.1) In particular check s1 slit openings and mirror height (t2_z )
(t2_z ~ 0.0 is Pt stripe -8.1 is Si stripe)

For reference, here are emerald's settings (Sept 12, 2001)
I believe s1 slits are fully open and note that front mirror
is on Pt stripe (t2_z~0.0 conditions for third harmonic).

t1_x t1_z t2_x t2_rot t2_z undgap
1.1270 0.0520 -0.1800 0.6825 0.7500 19.0000
1.1270 0.0520 -0.1800 0.6825 0.7500 -19.0000

s1hgap s1vgap s1hcen s1vcen
0.2000 0.4997 0.0305 -0.5280
0.2000 0.4995 0.0305 -0.5280

3.2.2) To change between first and third harmonic:

a.) "mv t2_z 0.0" (for third) or "mv t2_z -8.1" (for first)
b.) lup t2_rot -.02 .02 40 1 (check mirror angle)
c.) mv t2_rot CEN (center it)

(It appear this changes the beam height in the E hutch by ~2mm.)

4) Check general stuff:

check appropriate motors are on,
check for He flow in flight paths
two full turns to flush (~1/2hr)
set to 0.05 for normal operations
make sure return and supply read same flow rates
(i.e. no big leaks)
(Replacement He tanks are in gas storage at loading dock,
cylinder cart in Chem lab.)
check counter channels are connected right
check offset voltages
check attenuator configuration (CCD shutter hooked up?)
check which detector is in beam

5) with shutter closed move diamond mono into beam
typical positions are (out of beam): (Sept 12, 2001)
diamth diamx diamz diamchi
22.5435 -0.7900 3.2003 -2.8880
22.5435 -0.4550 3.2003 -0.6580
typical positions are (in beam):
diamth diamx diamz diamchi
22.5435 -0.7900 -15.6098 -2.8880
22.5435 -0.4550 -15.6098 -0.6580

6) open shutter and check alignment:
Typical count rates are (Iring~100mA):(keithley is 0.000e-9)
Full beam ionc1: 6e5
.9x.6mm^2 ionc1: 4e5
.9x.6mm^2 ionc2: 3e5
.9x.6mm^2 pind: 3e5 (Tramp gain 10e5)

7) Check diamth.
Best way is to use large pindiode taped to Be window
on monochromator. This gives almost full harmonic spectrum.
(See TRXS book 4 page 60.) Get 3e5 cps at tramp gain 1e4.
A quick check is to open ss1hgap fully and should see peak
as rounding of intensity (Book 4 page 131, note Int spikes
when beam hits ion chamber blades.)
Can rock diamth, diamchi, diamz and diamx (see book 4, page 52).
(usually on diamth is needed).

8) line up slits.
close ss1hgap to .9mm and scan ss1hcen to center on beam,
use ionc1 (or icon2) as detector. repeat for ss1 vertical
and ss2 vertical and horizontal.
(may need to check gaps are correct. do "ascan ss1hgap 0 .5 25 1"
and check zero intensity point.) The current ss1 are regular
Huber blades. The ss2 have Tl blases offset so a -.2 mm gap can
be made without the blades touching. (Note XIA slits can not have
negative dial units but one can make user units be -ve.)

9) check spectrometer centering.
For the TRXS spectrometer there is a way to mount a Huber 1000
head with a centering pin. You can then center the beam on this
pin and check for tth arm centering using the reference iris which
mounts on the tth arm.
On the HS spectrometer ... (to be done).

10) ready to go, here are some helpful hints:

CZT amptek is set to gain 8.0 and 7.62keV peak is around channel
100. Qdo macros/pscan3.mac and use set_sca 80 120 to make sca
detector channel work.

Have set up macros nwa and nlup which I like better then wa and lup.
Attachment 1: trxs-table.ps  54 kB
ELOG V3.1.4-395e101