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Message ID: 24     Entry time: Fri Feb 17 15:23:13 2006
Author: Alec 
Type: 8-ID General 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: PI Direct Detection CCD 
Some data on the MIT direct detection CCD in use at IMM-CAT CCD type: Pixel Array: 1152X1242 Pixel Size: 22.5 microns square Full well capacity: Digitizer: 12 bit/1 Mhz 430khz/16bit Serial No: Absorption Efficiency: Approximately 40% at 7.66 keV Photon spread: Si Conversion ratio: 3.65 eV/photon pair; Distance from Be window to CCD chip .543 inches ADU Gain: approximately 223 electrons/ADU (slow) and 38.4 fast ( had been 330 adu/phot with shallow depletion chip) Conversion Noise: Base temperature of Pelletier -40C (With air cooling) spec settings: set address to 1 (EEV_1152x1242_3ph) for ccd chip type (Do this by going to the detectors menu in the spec config editor and changing the entry under the CCD) We have characterised the PI CCD camera using images from the Aerogel X14. we have found that there is 356.3 ADU's per photon in the slow mode and 81.05 in the fast mode. We have characterised the efficiency of the at 6579 eV for the PI CCD This was by comparison with measurements made at UNI-CAT's SAXS setup. The average efficiency is approximately 43% after compensating for the absorption of the kapton window .92 and the absorption of air .70;
Attachment 1: slowCCD.gif  205 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: PI_fast.gif  205 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: PI_eff.gif  205 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: slowCCD.ps  19 kB  Uploaded Fri Feb 17 17:04:36 2006
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