  8-ID Beamline logbook mirror  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 495     Entry time: Mon Jan 30 17:36:44 2017
Author: Joe Strzalka 
Type: 8-ID-"G" 
Category: User Manual 
Subject: Startup 8IDG from scratch -- medm version (good through 2017-3) 
The attachment describes setting up the controls for a new GIXS User after a shutdown or a crash, using medm. As of cycle 2018-1, we are using caQtDM, not medm, to interact with EPICS.

The document was generated in ~/8IDGUSER/Documents/8IDGstartup.odt

See entry 566/mirror 566 for startup using caQtDM to interact with EPICS (preferred starting in 2018-1).
Attachment 1: 8IDGstartup.odt  40 kB
Attachment 2: 8IDGstartup.pdf  58 kB
ELOG V3.1.4-395e101