  8-ID Beamline logbook mirror  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 6     Entry time: Mon Feb 6 17:24:05 2006
Author: Xuefa 
Type: 8-ID-E 
Category: Setups 
Subject: Si(220) beam position on the Entrance Be window 
I estimated the minimum distance from the diamond crystal to the top side of the exit flansch to 675 mm, assuming the following bragg angles at 7.4keV (100eV removed from actual Undulator settings), Si(111) 31.0 deg and Si(220) 51.8 deg and using the separation of the two burn spots measured by Xuefa. This means, that the distance crystal to the Si(111) exit port is 740 mm and the distance crystal to the Si(220) exit port is 676 mm.


Xuefa measured the beam on the entrance Be window on Si(220) line to be 553 mm from the inboard edge of the flange.

Xuefa measured the beam on the entrance Be window on Si(111) line to be 287 mm from the inboard edge of the flange.


Feb.06,2006 at 5-23 pm
ELOG V3.1.4-395e101