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Message ID: 677     Entry time: Thu Oct 10 18:02:57 2019
Author: Joe Strzalka 
Type: 8-ID-"G" 
Category: User Manual 
Subject: caQtDM display: 8IDGslits_widget.ui 

/home/beams/8IDGUSER/joe/caqtdmd/slits8IDG_widget.ui displays slit gaps for users in a "read only" mode. The slit names at the head of each column open the corresponding 4slitGraphic_soft.ui display that lets you control the slit.

This display is included in /home/beams/8IDGUSER/local_macros/start_caQtDm_giwaxs

The startup script /home/beams/8IDGUSER/local_macros/adminstart_caQtDm_giwaxs opens the 3 4slitGraphic_soft.ui displays instead.
Attachment 1: slits8IDG_widget.png  18 kB  | Hide | Hide all
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