  8-ID Beamline logbook mirror  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 814     Entry time: Thu Oct 14 15:45:50 2021
Author: Eric Dufresne 
Type: 8-ID General 
Category: Administrative 
Subject: Orientation material for 8ID 
Credit for sector orientations can be given here:

[Yesterday 5:50 PM] Ziegler, Raymond

As I transition away from approving ESAFs, it is very important that each of you monitor
your upcoming ESAFs for updated training and such, and communicate these needs to your users in a timely manner...

I'm attaching the "online" sector orientation. It's really just a Power Point. This can
also be found in the Safety folder in the DYS Box...

You are now tasked with sending this document to any onsite users who need it. Once
they review it and and are given their on-site hutch training, have them sign the SO
checklist and place it on my door. I will still give them credit for the SO on the
APS Safety and Training website...

My suggested dialog is as follows, but feel free to customize...

"Please review the attached SO slide deck and notify us when complete. The Hutch 'search and secure'
portion will need to be done here at the beamline once you arrive, along with a Chem Lab review
if applicable. Note that the links in the slide deck only work when viewing in "Slide Show" mode..."

As always, I'm still around to assist whenever needed... I'm still the go-to for chem waste,
electrical inspections, and general beamline activities and support, etc... Thanks!
(2 liked)
[8ID Sector Orientation_online_v21_draft.pptx] ()
[Sector 8-ID Orientation checklist_20191015.pdf] ( https://argonnedoe-my.sharepoint.com/personal/rziegler_anl_gov/Documents/Microsoft Teams Chat Files/Sector 8-ID Orientation checklist_20191015.pdf )
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