  8-ID Beamline logbook mirror  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 826     Entry time: Fri Jan 28 18:38:20 2022
Author: Eric Dufresne 
Type: 8-ID General 
Category: Controls 
Subject: Restoring beamline for operation after shutdown, power shutdown in January, etc... 
[1/27/2022 7:16 PM] Dufresne, Eric
Some problem with save/restore on the 8-ID-A IOC.

The WB slits opening should be 2 mm for the vertical gap Sullivan, Joseph. Noted this evening.

[1/28/2022 8:06 AM] Sullivan, Joseph
Dufresne, Eric - Is it ok to do a soft reboot now? The crate should be power cycled.
The MAXv card was not detected with the IOC came up.

[10:19 AM] Sullivan, Joseph
m9-m16 positions will have to be 'Set' - the old positions are not in the autosave files.
Will probably have to pull them from https://ops.aps.anl.gov/logging/8ID.html

[6:33 PM] Dufresne, Eric
Glad to have spoken to Suresh, Sullivan, Joseph. He told me to power off and power on and
it returned all the positions on m9-16. Here is an example below. We should be good to go.
(https://argonnedoe-my.sharepoint.com/personal/dufresne_anl_gov/Documents/Microsoft Teams Chat Files/8ida-m15-Dec21+Jan28.png)


I reviewed all PVs more accurately with exporting the plots as ascii, per
att 2. Everything looks good on m9-16.
Attachment 1: 8ida-m15-Dec21-Jan28.png  18 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: Screenshot2022-02-01-094729-8idaIOCrestored.png  54 kB  Uploaded Tue Feb 1 10:34:15 2022  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
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