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Message ID: 32     Entry time: Fri Feb 17 17:01:56 2006
Author: Larry 
Type: 8-ID General 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: Photon statistics 
The photon statistics callibration was done by taking a set of
9 images and comparing the a single image a with the average of
the the nine <a>. Then if photons = C*ADU we have

C0 = <(a-<a>)^2>/<a>^2.

This has to be corrected for the fact that <a> is not a perfect average so
that if N is the number of images in the average

C1 = C0/(1+1/sqrt(N))^2

The RMS dark noise also has to be subtracted, so that if we have M dark images

C2 = C1 - (<(d-<d>>^2/<d>^2)*(1+1/sqrt(N))/(1+1/sqrt(M))

The callibration given was for N=9 and M=3 which is far from optimal and should
probably be done again with more statistics.

Finally, this calculation will not be correct if there is a spread of the
incident photons. For a photon spread of 200 um and a 2.4 to 1 taper
each photon spread over around a 3 pixel square. To correct for this the
images were binned to 1/4 their original size before calculating the RMS

Note that ADU/Photons = 1/C

Larry Lurio April, 13, 2000
ELOG V3.1.4-395e101