  8-ID Beamline logbook mirror  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 36     Entry time: Fri Feb 17 17:07:20 2006
Author: Alec 
Type: 8-ID-I 
Category: Procedures 
Subject: Pink beam alignment 
Mono beam:
At 6.58 keV, monox = 1.648, monoth = 11.825, te1_x = -38.5509, te1_z = 9.8139

The values of the LVDT (measured using the test box Harold has made) on the te1 optical table motors:
te1xu = 6.730 V, te1xd = 4.504 V
te1zu = 7.704 V, te1zdo = 7.560 V, te1zdi = 6.742 V

To align the station for pink beam (plots can be found in
Log Book #61 (pp. 95-99):

1. open the jjhgap and jjvgap to 5000 each.
2. Drop the pin diode pind1 right after the jj-slits and set raA to 7.
3. umv monox 11.000 (this should move the Ge channel cut out of the beam).
4. umv monoth 8.000
5. te1_x scan from -40 to -30 should show both mono and pink beam on pind1.
6. scan te1_x through the pink beam from -34.000 to -28.000 and set te1_x to CEN.
7. scan monox from 6.5 to 11.0 to see the edge of the Ge mono and set it accordingly.
8. Moving Ge channel cut outboard (monox positive) takes it out of the beam.
9. Flux: With JJ and S4 slits all equal to 50 microns, flux on pind1 was about
3 x 10^12 ph/s.
ELOG V3.1.4-395e101